Always up to date, personal vim cheat sheet, you should totally make one like this for yourself.

Working on
Mapping Summary
b move (b)ackward one word
e move forward to the (e)nd a word
f<char> (f)ind a character forward in a line and move to it
t<char> find a character forward in a line and move un(t)il it (one character before)
F<char> (f)ind a character backward in a line and move to it
T<char> find a character backward in a line and move un(t)il it
; repeat last f, t, F, or T command
, repeat last f, t, F, or T command, but in opposite direction
To work on one day
Mapping Summary
H, M, L move (H)igh, (M)iddle, or (L)ow within the viewport
C-u, C-d move (u)p or (d)own
<NN>G (G)o to line number NN (useful if you have a failing test on a given line)
Already Mastered
Mapping Summary
C-u, C-d move (u)p or (d)own
/ search
n repeat last search
N repeat last search in opposite direction
j, k move up/down one line
h, l move left/right by character
w move forward one (w)ord
<esc> Exit out of any mode back into normal mode
:q or :quit Quit out of Vim
:w or :write Write the current file
j, k Move the cursor down / up
h, l Move the cursor left / right
i Go into "insert mode" to enter text
x Delete the character under the cursor